The average length of stay is about 6 weeks. It may seem like an eternity but it goes by quickly. Please avoid over packing. The more clothes they have, the more they avoid doing laundry and life skill development is part of the program. Also, we search the apartments on a regular basis and excess processions makes our job that much more difficult.
Here is a general idea of what to bring:
bath towels / hand towels
favorite pillow or blanket
2 sweat shirts
rain jacket
5 pairs of underwear
2 pairs of shoes
2 shorts
3 pants
5 shirts
Begin to understand that communication will become minimal compared to having access to them at home. Your child’s counselor will call you at least once a week and you will speak to your child at least once a week. Part of residential treatment is to separate them from their environment and have them focus on themselves so while this process is uncomfortable, it is necessary.
Avoid allowing them to bring expensive items to treatment. We deal with adolescents so it is not unheard of for items to be lost, stolen (doesn’t happen often) or broken.
Please don’t bring or give them movies or video games. We provide these and we screen the movies for content.
Please do not bring snacks. The Department of Health does not allow the storage of food in their rooms. We provide them with meals and snacks. When you visit, it is okay to bring them food they can consume during the visiting time. Please clarify specifics of visitation day and items to consume with your child’s counselor.
For our female clients, we do not allow make-up. Over the years we have struggled with how best to promote self-esteem among the female community. Make-up becomes the focus and then the male clients become the focus. We ask you to help us with make-up for this short period of time.
Whenever you come on to campus, we ask that you check in directly to the nurse’s station, it is clearly marked by signs. This is especially true if you are returning your child from a pass. Keeping contraband out of the community is one of our top priorities and this requires your cooperation and the first step is timely searches before clients are returned to the community.