New Beginnings Adolescent Recovery Center has been widely recognized for our achievements in treating adolescent substance abuse. We are honored to be the recipient of the following awards.

2013 James W. West Quality Award
The James W. West, M.D. Quality Improvement Award was established in 2000 and continues to be supported by the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers and Vendome Group, LLC, publisher of Behavioral Healthcare and other publications focused on addiction treatment. Dr. West, Medical Director Emeritus of the Betty Ford Center, is a long-time quality advocate.

2014 Behavioral Healthcare Champion
The Behavioral Healthcare Champion awards honor CEOs and Executive Directors who lead behavioral health organizations that are making a difference in the development, delivery, and effectiveness of services and recovery supports for those who need them.

2015 Organizational Achievement Award
The 2015 NAADAC Organizational Achievement Award recognizes an organization that has demonstrated a strong commitment to the addiction profession and particularly strong support for the individual addiction professional.