New Beginnings Adolescent Recovery Center strives to be more than just another substance abuse treatment center. We are committed to being one of the most advanced substance abuse treatment centers in America… and that begins with our commitment to your child’s accommodations.
Separate living quarters for male and female residents surround a central courtyard and meeting areas on the New Beginnings campus. Throughout their stay, residents stay in modern, comfortable rooms along with their roommates. All rooms are in immediate proximity to group and individual therapy meeting rooms as well as to the dining and recreational areas.
Visiting families can find hotel accommodations just minutes from the campus. New Beginnings staff will be happy to provide information on available hotels or please check out our community links page on this website for a listing of nearby accommodations.

Nutritionally balanced meals are provided to our residents three times daily in our on-site dining center. Mealtime allows for residents to socialize while receiving healthy meal options. Options for snacks are provided outside of the structured meal times.
Tennis, basketball, volleyball and exercise equipment are just a few of the opportunities that are available to our patients. A vitally important component of our patient’s treatment experience is to learn to have fun and participate in healthy activities while enhancing the overall well-being of our patients. Our BeanHaven Fitness Center provides for a wide range of physical fitness options under a supervised program of exercise.
Residents also participate in planned outings such as horseback riding, which gives them time to interact with other residents, staff, nature and themselves.